AF8 Roadshow

Bringing Alpine Fault science and hazard impact information to South Island communities, in areas likely to be affected by an AF8 earthquake.

The AF8 Roadshow: The Science Beneath Our Feet shares Alpine Fault hazard science with communities likely to be impacted by the next Alpine Fault earthquake. It is designed to enable conversations, activate local knowledge, and support informed decision-making to increase awareness of, and our preparedness for, a future event. While we can’t predict when earthquakes will occur, scientific research has shown that the Alpine Fault has a history of generating regular, large earthquakes. The next event is likely to occur within the lifetime of most of us, or our children and young people, for whom this is likely to have major short and long-term impacts.

New Zealanders are excellent at coming together to support each other in an emergency. The AF8 Roadshow encourages people to have these conversations in advance, so we can be better prepared for a future event. By making the Alpine Fault hazard science available in a community setting, sharing it in a local context where it is of most relevance to that community, this is where it comes alive and where we see actions beginning to be taken. Whether that be identifying local resources and expertise or the beginnings of a community plan, anything we do now will make a difference in the future and the AF8 Roadshow provides a space where informed conversations can happen.

The AF8 Roadshow is held biennially, and includes public talks and school visits hosted by Emergency Management Groups around the South Island.

The AF8 Roadshow leverages the close partnership between science and emergency management, demonstrating the value of working together to be better prepared for natural hazard events in New Zealand. The delivery and success of the Roadshow as a communication initiative is due to a real collaborative effort, where science provides the foundation for robust community-led discussions and informed decision-making, supported by local emergency management and communication experts. 

Project partners include: the six South Island Emergency Management Groups, Toka Tū Ake EQC, QuakeCoRE: NZ Centre for Earthquake, Resilience to Nature’s Challenges and GNS Science.

Read about the AF8 Roadshow

Ever wondered how the AF8 Roadshow is designed and delivered? What have we learnt from it and what feedback we receive? We've published a book chapter all about it and it is available to read open source (thanks to the University of Otago!).

“This is a fantastic opportunity for our communities to be involved in learning more about an event that could impact on them. The Roadshow really makes science accessible.” – Emergency Management Officer, Marlborough

Associate Professor Caroline Orchiston presents an AF8 Roadshow public talk in Waimate, 2021

Alice Lake-Hammond presents an AF8 Roadshow school session at Wakatipu High School in 2019.

Alice Lake-Hammond presents an AF8 Roadshow public talk in Kokotahi, 2021

Preparedness game at Otago Girls High School, Dunedin 2021.

Associate Professor Liam Wotherspoon presents an AF8 Roadshow public talk in Greymouth, 2021.

“I’m really scared of earthquakes. But now I understand why we have them and what I can do about them, I feel much better. Thank you for coming.” – Student, Golden Bay

Public Science Talks 2025

Science Speakers 2025

Dr. Tom Robinson

Tom is a disaster risk specialist, and AF8 Science Lead, with a specific focus on earthquakes in mountain environments – including New Zealand and Nepal. He is an expert in spatial modelling of earthquake-generated landslide hazard and risk, and scenario modelling with a focus on large-scale simulations for governments, militaries, and humanitarians for emergency response and disaster risk reduction. Tom lead the development of the first comprehensive Alpine Fault earthquake scenario as well as the recent 2024 update. Tom is a Senior Lecturer based in the Disaster Risk and Resilience team at the University of Canterbury.

Queenstown | Alexandra | Te Anau | Rolleston | Moana

A Prof. Caroline Orchiston

Caroline is the Director and Research Associate Professor at the Centre for Sustainability at the University of Otago. Her research interests lie in the area of natural hazards, disaster risk reduction and societal resilience, with a particular interest in the tourism sector. Caroline also co-leads, with Jamie, the Ngā Ngaru Wakapuke endeavour programme focused improving our understanding of the risk posed by large earthquake sequences in central Aotearoa. She is based in Dunedin with her husband Tom and their three children

Ōmarama | Renwick | Picton | Greymouth | Harihari | Reefton

Helen Jack

Helen Jack is a geohazard scientist at Environment Canterbury.  She has undertaken and commissioned research into earthquake and tsunami hazards in Canterbury for over 20 years and has translated this into land use and infrastructure planning, emergency management, and community education. She worked in a science liaison role in the emergency management response to the 2010/11 Canterbury earthquakes, and as a communicator for GeoNet following the 2016 Kaikōura earthquake.

Geraldine | Twizel

Dr. Ursula Cochran

Dr Ursula Cochran is a freelance science writer from Te Whanganui a Tara Wellington. Her scientific background is in earthquake geology. Ursula worked for two decades at GNS Science finding evidence for past earthquakes and tsunamis to better understand the hazard they pose for Aotearoa New Zealand. Her research focused on the behaviour of large plate boundary faults such as the Hikurangi Subduction Zone offshore of the North Island and the Alpine Fault in the South Island. She now works to communicate science by turning studies into stories.

Gore | Invercargill

Dr. Rob Langridge

Rob is a Senior Scientist at GNS Science. His research is focused on Earthquake Geology – the science of when past large earthquakes occurred and what this tells us about seismic hazard. Rob's focus has been on the Alpine Fault, Marlborough fault System and the 2016 Kaikōura earthquake.


Richmond | Renwick | Picton

A Prof. Jamie Howarth

Jamie is an Associate Professor in Physical Geography at Te Herenga Waka, Victoria University of Wellington. His research uses proxy records to increase our understanding of high magnitude, low frequency events and how landscapes respond to them over timeframes beyond human observation. His current research activity is focused on large earthquakes, specifically: the earthquake behaviour of, and hazard posed by, Aotearoa-NZ’s plate boundary faults. Jamie also co-leads, with Caroline, the Ngā Ngaru Wakapuke endeavour programme focused improving our understanding of the risk posed by large earthquake sequences in central Aotearoa.


Kindly sponsored by

Natural Hazards Commission

Proudly supported by

QuakeCoRE: NZ Centre for Earthquake ResilienceGNS ScienceResilience to Nature's Challenges

University of CanterburyUniversity of OtagoUniversity of AucklandVictoria University of Wellington

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